In order for truth to be a fully evolutionary entity – it would require that truth be more a creative than a receptive activity. Being an activity grounded in the reception of exterior things would allow for the progressivist outlook that fuels most mainstream science – for the belief that our perception of those external realities becomes ever more acute and clear, until we can arrive at a system of postulates which will remain irrevocably true for all time. (The holy grail of this particular outlook being the Theory of Everything eagerly sought in certain factions of the physics community.) On the other hand, truth being an activity more thoroughly grounded in interior mental processes allows for a whole slew of complications to intrude on the principal of objectivity – for the most self-evident, commonsensical truths to be hopelessly enmeshed within a wider net of physiological, linguistic, socio-ideological , emotional, and evolutionary factors. If this is correct, then truth may be envisioned as a entirely temporal, constantly mutable entity – a creature that grows a coat of fur when the weather is icy, sheds it when the sun shines, and developes a poisonous sting when threatened by larger predators. The movement towards truth may not be, as the progressivist envisions it, a journey along a linear path towards a definitive destination, but rather an endless amble through a labyrinth in curved space. A labyrinth in curved space would be traversed forever, so long as its inhabitants maintained the assumption that it conformed to the standard, and possessed a way out, however ingeniously hidden; but what appeared to be the way out would always be the way back in again.
(The popularity of the labyrinth as a metaphor in contemporary culture, evident in Borges, Escher, Last Year in Marienbad, and elsewhere, is often related, no doubt correctly, to the theories of Einstein. But many of these ideas were already evident in the works of Kafka, who was writing more or less contemporaneously to the great discoveries of Einstein. I will leave it to the reader to decide whether the creative artist or the scientist has priority, or whether both are merely carving shapes from the same clay.)

Well, not gonna claim I followed everything but I think I got what you were getting at. That was probably one of the most eloquently put post I have read ever in my short time her as a fellow blogger, lol. I am into science and i am also into Magic and art is a big part of my personal magic and I both are two heads of the same dragon, and with quantum physics coming to the front, maybe the same.
Thanks for the kind words. What I was getting at the question at the end (albeit not phrased very clearly!)was whether art derives much of its ideas from science, or whether a particular underlying worldview and set of assumptions exists in each era, which produces similar ideas and motifs symultaneously in both the arts and sciences, without necessarily needing a direct line of influence from one to the other. (Which would add to a creative rather and receptive notion of how we construst realities.)Anyway, thanks again for dropping by!
I understood that. I was just coming in for a landing at a different angle, so to speak.
I am a self proclaimed magician and if you know that science/alchemy/religion/magic (real magic not illusionist bullshit) are all intertwined. I was thinking more also along the lines of how I believe that the expression of art (poetry painting etc) can create realities or open doors to other realities.
Comic book artist/writer Alan Moore on magic (but see I would tie quantum physics into what he said)
Here is something to kinda prove your point, or atleast in the same vein of what you are saying..
It is a painting by Salvador Dali and the geometrical shape that he uses as Jesus cross has been used as the best 2 dimensional example of a 4 (not 3 but 4) dimensional object might look like.
I plain on going through your site some more when I have some time. Plus i might just try and see if my son will watch Labyrinth with me. Been a while since i watched it. I always liked it but I also remember honestly being disturbed because a baby was involved in this movie.
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