An hour later, with ten more miles and the visit to the World's Biggest Drugstore safely behind us, we were back at home, and I had returned to that reassuring but profoundly unsatisfactory state known as "being in one's right mind."
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Found Imagery.
As is plainly evident from its cover, the main thesis of this book suggests that Big Foot is a) real, b) psychic, and c) somehow connected to the UFO enigma. One can only assume The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO Connection preaches to a choir of believers in the paranormal, and has won over few sceptical readers.
"How can you let this go on?" At about 3.05 this already bizarre Star Trek clip turns into an absolute riot of weirdness, and possibily one of the most remarkable cliff-hangers in the history of episodic narrative:
Throughout the years many excuses have been offered for the poor writing and acting on the original Star Trek series. Sometimes, however, a simple apology might be more in order. While entertaining for a variety of reasons this clip, I think, illustrates my point quite well.
Throughout the years many excuses have been offered for the poor writing and acting on the original Star Trek series. Sometimes, however, a simple apology might be more in order. While entertaining for a variety of reasons this clip, I think, illustrates my point quite well.
Unfortunately, my friend, I don't think any apologies will be forthcoming - either for Star Trek or The Psychic Sasquatch.
Of course you are correct and after all, there are far far more important things that need be apologized for that will also go wanting.
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